Read: The Dance of the Possible

I’ve just consumed Scott Berkun’s newest book, The Dance of the Possible. As promised by the author, it was a short book intended so that we can get what we can out of it, get it out of the way, and dive into actually creating something. It was divided into three parts — each of which I consumed in one sitting of around an hour. You can breeze through it in less, but I liked reflecting on points raised by the author and recalling experiences where I can relate them (or could have related to them).

If I were to describe the 3 different parts of the book, I’d say part one is about the generating ideas. Part two is when you’re already developing your ideas. And part three is when it’s getting extra challenging to keep going and you need that extra boost.

He captures in writing some of the things I personally go through in my own creative process which made me just virtually nod in agreement and think “Oh yeah, that was what I was doing!” And I guess in making me aware, I could be more intentional in applying them and accepting when I feel like I’ve hit some sort of slump (that I will get over, of course).

I’ve long been intending to read a book on creativity (among many other things). Having Scott’s book come along with the invitation to do a book review really pushed me. When he described one of the seven sources of fuel for why people create the things they do (i.e., “Deliberately put yourself in situations where you have no way out but through.”), I couldn’t help being amused and thinking “Yeah, that happened!” I think even without the book review aspect, I’d have enjoyed reading his book as I’ve enjoyed some of his other writings. It just adds another dimension and it feels like it’s full circle because the book on creativity actually prompted me to create!

[Edit: Same content is posted as an Amazon book review over here.]

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